Sunday, March 9, 2008

Don't Drink The Water

I found a bunch of articles on a few different sites about Drugs in the water supplies of 41 million Americans. At first I was like "OMGWTF?!" until I read the part about it being in "waste water"
That means it's stuff people have been taking and when they go to the bathroom the water is taken and "refined" before being put back into the reservoirs of our water supplies! :) At this point I found the story to be hillarious... in an "Oh my god, we're drinking refined waste water?!" kind of way.
After reading that part, as a creative writer, all I could do was picture some guy calling his wife into the kitchen and saying "Hey honey? Does this tap water taste kinda spicey to you?"

While I was doing "research" for this very educational blog post I came across this article on Fox News. Apparently, republicans have to be told something that should seem f*cking obvious.


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