Saturday, April 26, 2008

Howard Smokes Up

Josh Howard was on the Michael Irvin Show Friday morning talking about smoking marijuana. Every sports show, sports channel and sports website is talking about it now because of the stigma that Americans have about smoking marijuana and because of that it must be a bad thing.

Who gives a fuck?

I don't. It's just marijuana. He's just a basketball player. It's not like he's performing brain surgery or anything. There's no mission to Mars that depends specifically on a clear-headed Josh Howard. So what's the big deal? Who is it gonna hurt? How many people have suffered already because of Josh Howard's terrible marijuana abuse?

Then again, maybe if he wasn't smoking dope all the time he'd have put up better numbers last night than 3-11 from the field. Oh wait a minute... he said he smokes in the off-season! So he wasn't high last night! Well in that case, maybe he should've smoked a joint before the game! You know, roll a blunt and get a triple-double! Who knows! Nobody does because he's not doing it during the season.

There's something Michael Irvin addressed specifically in the interview. He mentioned his own drug use (during his career that is) and mentioned that he rationalised it by saying to himself it's only during the off-season. It's worth pointing out that Michael Irvin is in the Football Hall Of Fame. And he was doing a lot worst than just marijuana.

Howard also pointed out that this is something that's not exactly unprecedented in the NBA (meaning an unspecified - but probably large - number of players do it) Is he trying to throw these other players under the bus? Or draw attention away from himself? No. If that were the case he wouldn't have even brought it up in the first place.

Having said all of that, I could have ended this post on the most important part and said "Game Over": "How many people have suffered because Josh Howard smokes marijuana?" Nobody. At least not until people found out and starting making a huge deal out of it.

Thank you and Goodnight.


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