Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Untitled Crime Story

Ive been working on this script for a crime story comic book for a few weeks now. I originally wanted to just do a graphic novel but now I kinda want to submit it to Zuda. I've been meaning to do a submission for that site anyway.

Click the "read more..." to read the first 2 pages. It doesn't really tell you much about the overall story but I think it's a perfect example of how the story would be written. Check it out and leave a comment please!


Panel 1. Establishing shot - On the rooftop of a average size city building late at night. Bobby holds a gun to a middle-aged man (Dan) who stands on the edge of the building, hands tied behind his back. Behind Bobby, three other men are on their knees, hands tied the same.


DAN: Forget that “bigger the gun” garbage. Hell, the smaller the gun the easier to hide the damn thing!

BOBBY: Are you done?

Panel 2. Dan shrugs with a sinister smile.

DAN: You’re a damn fool, kid. It’s gonna get you killed.

Panel 3. Bobby shoots him sending him falling backwards over the building’s ledge. Blood sprays everywhere.

SFX: (gun fire)

Panel 4. Bobby pulls the next guy (Tom) up by the arm leading him toward the ledge.

BOBBY: I used to work for a guy that called me “kid” all the time.


Panel 1. This shot is similar to the first panel of page one with Tom in Dan’s place.

BOBBY: They fired me after I knocked his fat ass out.

TOM: Alright, alright! They’re over at Mason’s place! Now let me go!

Panel 2. Bobby lowers his gun to his side.

BOBBY: I already went by there. Nobody home but his wife and the guy she’s cheating on him with.

Panel 3. He shoots him sending him sending blood flying and the body falling.

SFX: (gun fire)

Panel 4. He grabs the next guy. The man’s eyes bulge as he trembles in fear.

MAN (screaming): It’s a restaurant on 38th!! They hang out in the manager’s office!!

MAN: Please don’t kill me!


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