Monday, February 25, 2008


I wrote this a few days ago. It's supossed to be about a superhero struggling against the villain. I didn't really like it though. I couldn't come up with a finishing line I liked either. I've got another darker one I'll post later.

The picture is something I did almost 2 years ago. I'd love to do a comic about him some day but that's a long way off. The actual pencils on it took me probably 12 hours spread over about 2 weeks. When I do these realistic fully shaded pencils I can never just sit down and do the whole thing from start to finish. I can spend about 1-2 hours getting it started but then I've gotta stop and come back to it later or else I'll go crazy!

Strike against my breaking back
Strike me when I start to slack
Shake the ground to make me tremble
Take away my hope, the symbol
Cause the rains to make me slip
So I can barely keep my grip
Until I fall down to my knee
And floods my eyes so I can’t see
Sound the drum and raise the horn
Remind me of the pain and scorn
Until the Angels sing in choir
And light my Soul in blazing fire
Until I rise from beneath the ruins


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