Monday, March 17, 2008

The Alien Review

This is a new series I'm about to launch tomorrow called 'The Alien Review'!! If you haven't figured it out already, it's about a bunch of aliens that review stuff. :) The first two aliens are Jintuan and Bob. I'm starting with them because they're my favorite two so far. I'll be adding more aliens as the series progresses.

Some of the stuff I'll be reviewing are movies, comics, TV shows, etc. The first installment is a review of Stargate - The Ark of Truth. I haven't made my mind up about what will be next but I'll probably talk about some comics or something.


The point of the strip isn't to actually review anything. It's really just to make jokes about stuff. I'm not gonna post an installment that says "...but the most shocking part of 'The Empire Strikes Back' is when we learn that Darth Vader is in fact Luke's father!!"

There'll be none of that.

And I am in no way affiliated with any of the shows, comics, movies, companies, producers, creators or ANYBODY that is IN ANY WAY involved with ANYTHING I talk about.


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