Saturday, March 7, 2009

Review: Maintaining Bohemia (Zuda)

Who keeps order in the land of total indulgence? The janitorial and security staff of the New Academy of Art and Design are all that stand between clean, well-maintained hallways and pseudo-intellectual chaos.


The premise of the story is the art school janitors sit around on break all day talking about how weird the students and their art are... the punch-line is they could just as easily be talking about themselves...

The best part of the comic is the scene at the beginning where one of the students presents a self-portrait short film that mocks the self-loathing emo culture by showing a puppet commit suicide by throwing a radio in the bathtub. Call me a bad person, I thought it was fucking hilarious!

From there the story turns from kinda funny to pretentious nonsense. In one panel, the lead character goes on a forgettable rant that came off as the writer trying to say more than he knows about shit nobody cares about... and on top of that it feels like he's doing it for the sake of doing it.

The art is ok. I wouldn't call it my favorite but I wouldn't necessarily say it's bad either. It's kinda like graffiti caricatures. The only thing I don't like about the art is the way every character has this creepy smile that looks like the Joker raped Joan Rivers. 

Overall, it's ok I guess. It's not something I'd enjoy, but at least it's not as bad as last month's Indie entry.


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